Echinacea PowWow Wild Berry
Echinacea PowWow Wild Berry Seeds from Mr Fothergill's Seeds and Plants
Echinacea Large Flowered Purple Coneflower
Echinacea Large Flowered Purple Coneflower Seeds from Mr Fothergill's Seeds and Plants
Echinacea White Swan
Echinacea White Swan Flower Seeds From Mr Fothergill's Seeds and Plants
Verbena bonariensis
Verbena bonariensis Seeds from Mr Fothergill's Seeds.
Cosmos Apricotta
Cosmos Apricotta Flower Seeds From Mr Fothergill's Seeds and Plants
Cosmos Double Click Mixed Seeds - PINK only *
Cosmos Double Click Mixed Seeds from Mr Fothergill's Seeds and Plants
Chrysanthemum Ox Eye Daisy
Chrysanthemum Ox Eye Daisy Seeds from Mr Fothergill's Seeds and Plants
Swan River Daisy Purple Splendour
Swan River Daisy Purple Splendour Seeds from Mr Fothergill's Seeds and Plants
Field Scabious
Field Scabious Seeds | Mr Fothergill's
Scabious Blue Cushion
Scabious Blue Cushion Seeds from Mr Fothergill's Seeds and Plants
Statice Special Mixed
Statice Mixed Seeds | Flowers | Mr Fothergill’s
Gaura The Bride
Gaura The Bride Seeds from Mr Fothergill's Seeds and Plants
*Melinis minutiflora Silver Queen. *
*Pennisetum villosum Fluffy (Feathertop) *
*Xeranthemum annum Superbissimum Carminea*
** = New variety coming soon .